December 31, 2022

January 2023 African Proverb of the Month
A nice potato is never peeled
Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Numbu ya wiza idapunzagwa. (Sukuma) Kiazi kizuri hakimenywi. (Swahili) Une bonne patate douce n’est jamais épluchée. (French) A nice potato is never peeled. (English)   Sukuma […]
December 1, 2022

December 2022 African Proverb of the Month
Blood is thicker than water .
Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Thakame ne nditho gukera maii (Gikuyu), Damu ni nzito kuliko maji (Swahili). Le sang est plus épais que l’eau (French). Blood is thicker than water (English). […]
November 1, 2022

November 2022 African Proverb of the Month
Walk on a fresh tree, a dry one will break.
Bena (Tanzania) Proverb

Ugendalage uludodi, ulukafu luladenyeka. (Bena) Tembelea mti mbichi, mkavu utavunjika. (Swahili) Marcher sur un arbre frais, un arbre sec se cassera. (French) Walk on a fresh […]
October 1, 2022

October 2022 African Proverb of the Month
One hand does not raise a child.
Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Unkono ugumo gudalelea ng’wana. (Sukuma) Mkono mmoja haulei mtoto. (Swahili) Une seule main, n’eleve pas l’enfant. French) One hand does not raise a child. (English)   […]
September 7, 2022

September 2022 African Proverb of the Month
A baby hawk does not eat vegetables.
Suba (Kenya and Tanzania) Proverb

Omwana owa eshariro aria de enyenyi. (Suba) Mtoto wa mwewe halagi mboga. (Swahili) Un bébé buse (eyas) ne mange pas de légumes. (French) A baby hawk […]
July 31, 2022

August 2022 African Proverb of the Month
Many pieces of firewood light the whole night.
Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Ng’hwi ninghi jigangaluchaga. (Sukuma). Kuni nyingi hukesha. (Swahili). De nombreux morceaux de bois éclairent toute la nuit.(French). Many pieces of firewood light the whole night. (English). […]
June 30, 2022

July 2022 African Proverb of the Month
If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together.
Agaw (Eritrea and Ethiopia) Proverb and Burkina Faso Proverb

Befit’ineti mehedi kefelegu bichawoni yiramedu ruk’I mehedi kefelegachihu abirachihu hidu. (Agaw) Ikiwa unataka kutembea haraka, tembea peke yako. Ikiwa unataka kutembea mbali, tembea pamoja. (Swahili) Si […]
June 21, 2022

June, 2022 African Proverb of the Month
A friend is someone you share the path with.
Dinka (South Sudan) Proverb

Moea uecha heavy hayen. (Dinka) Rafiki ni yule amaye mnaendanisha naye njia pamoja. (Swahili) Un ami est quelqu ún  avec qui vous partagez le chemin ensemble. (French) […]
April 30, 2022

May, 2022 African Proverb of the Month
The day is never cursed before it finally comes to an end.
Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Muthenya ndurumagwo utari uratuka. (Gikuyu) Siku hailaniwi kabla ya kikomo chake. (Swahili) On ne condamne pas le jour avant qu’il prenne sa fin. (French) The day […]