June 4, 2018

June 2018 A house with children never lacks noise. Sango (Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Republic of the Congo, Tanzania) Proverb

Da so a molengue ake da, makelele ake da. (Sango)
Nyumba ambayo ina watoto, haikosi kelele.(Swahili)

La maison ou il y a des enfants, n’a jamais manqué des bruits(French)
A house with children never lacks noise. (English)

Sango (Central African Republic, Chad,
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),
Republic of the Congo, Tanzania) Proverb

May 3, 2018

May 2018 A cow’s horn does not kill its calf. Nandi (Kenya) Proverb

  Mabarei kuinetab teta moitanyi. (Nandi)
Pembe ya ng'ombe haiui ndama wake. (Swahili)
La corne d’une vache ne tue pas son veau. (French)
A cow's horn does not kill its calf. (English)

Nandi (Kenya) Proverb

March 31, 2018

April 2018 No person can talk about hunger better than the one who suffered it. Taabwa (DRC, Tanzania and Zambia) Proverb

Kanzala kalanda wa kamwene. (Taabwa)
Huwezi ongea kuhusu njaa kama mtu ambaye alipitia hali hiyo.
Personne peut parler de la famine que celui qui l’a souffert.
No person can talk about hunger better than the one who suffered it.

Taabwa (DRC, Tanzania and Zambia) Proverb


February 28, 2018

March 2018 When you reap problems, you share with your family. Nande (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC, Uganda)Proverb

  Ebitsibu byaghu uka birya neka yaghu. (Nande)
Ukivuna shida unaila na jamii yako. (Swahili)
Quand on recolte la peine, on la consomme avec sa famille. (French)
When you reap problems, you share with your family. (English)

Nande (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC, Uganda)Proverb

January 29, 2018

February 2018 A family that has a son will never lose the debts owed to them. Rendille (Kenya) Proverb

  Goobi inam dele mogtils ma babaato. (Rendille)
Jamii ambayo ina mtoto mwanaume haiwezi poteza deni zao kutoka kwa majirani. (Swahili)
La famille qui a un fils ne perdra pas ses dettes auprès du voisin. (French)
A family that has a son will never lose the debts owed to them. (English)

Rendille (Kenya) Proverb

January 3, 2018

January 2018 To make marks on the trees. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb/Story

Kusema (Kutema) mbago. (Sukuma)
Kuweka alama kwenye miti. (Swahili)
Marquer des marques sur l'arbre. (French)
To make marks on the trees. (English)

Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb/Story

December 5, 2017

December 2017 There is no venom such as that of the tongue. Makonde (Kenya, Tanzania) Proverb

  Apali kenga sumu ya ulimi. (Makonde)
Hakuna sumu kama ya ulimi. (Swahili)
Il n’y a pas du poison comme la langue. (French)
There is no venom such as that of the tongue. (English)

Makonde (Kenya, Tanzania) Proverb

October 31, 2017

November 2017 All trees are not straight in the forest. Kwele (DRC, Gabon, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo) Proverb

  A ho te mbouoo. (Kwele)
Miti yote msituni haifanani. (Swahili)
Tous les arbres dans la forêt
ne sont pas semblable. (French)
All trees are not straight in the forest
. (English)

Kwele (DRC, Gabon, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo) Proverb

October 1, 2017

October, 2017 Who loses the first born throws away his or her gods. Bwisha (Democratic Republic of Congo — DRC) Proverb

Ubuza imfura ata ibiheko. (Bwisha)
Mwenyi anapoteza mtoto wa kwanza hutupa miungu. (Swahili)
Qui perd son fils aîné jette ses dieux. (French)
Who loses the first born throws away his or her gods. (English)

Bwisha (Democratic Republic of Congo -- DRC) Proverb