April 1, 2011

Apr. 2011: “To stay a long time in the water does not make you clean.” – Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthApril, 2011 Yashinga mu minzi itelaga. (Sukuma) Kukaa muda mrefu ndani ya maji si kutakata. (Swahili)Rester longtemps dans l’eau ne lave pas. […]
March 1, 2011

Mar. 2011: “The people to whom things belong are the same people who are greedy.” – Rwanda (Rwanda) and Rundi (Burundi) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthMarch 2011 Bene byo ni bo bene inambu. (Rwanda and Rundi).Walio na mali ndio hao hao walafi. (Swahili)Les gens qui ont assez […]
January 31, 2011

Feb. 2011: “The dugout canoe does not know the depth of the water.” – Hangaza (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of The Month February 2011 Umubindi ushira uvimye. (Hangaza). Mtumbwi hauwezi kujua panapokuwa pamejaa maji. (Swahili)La pirogue ne connaît pas la profondeur de l’eau. […]
December 31, 2010
Crocodiles joined in the stomach with a common stomach.

Jan. 2011: “Individuals have different talents.” – Haya (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthJanuary 2011 Endimi elima emparangwa etaha. (Haya)Kila mtu ana kipawa chake. (Swahili)Chacun a son propre talent. (French)Individuals have different talents. (English) Haya […]
December 1, 2010

Dec. 2010: “A hill with trees is the hand or finger of God. ” – Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb.

African Proverb of The Month December, 2010 Kîrîma kî mîtî nî guoko kwa Ngai (kîara kîa Ngai).  (Gikuyu)                                                                                        Kilima kilicho na miti ni mkono au kidole cha […]
November 1, 2010
Two hands holding buffalo horns

Nov. 2010: “One hand does not catch a buffalo” – Ewe (Ghana, Benin, Nigeria and Togo) Proverb

Africa Proverb of The MonthNovember, 2010 Asi deka melea todzo o. (Ewe)Mkono moja huwezi kushika nyati. (Swahili)Une seule main ne peut pas attraper un buffle. (French)One […]
September 30, 2010

Oct. 2010: “A tree on a hill in the savannah is a meeting place for birds.” – Bembe ( DRC, Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthOctober, 2010 Ate alé mwiono hisumbelo lya manyonyi. (Bembe)Mti ulio juu ya mlima (mbugani) ni pahali pa mkutano wa ndege. (Swahili)Un arbre […]
August 31, 2010

Sept. 2010: “You must treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It is loaned to you by your children.” – Gikuyu (Kenya) Saying

African Saying for the MonthSeptember, 2010 Rigita thi wega; ndwaheiruio ni aciari; ni ngombo uhetwo ni ciana ciaku. (Kikuyu) Itunze arthi vyema; hukupewa na wazazi; bali […]
August 1, 2010

Aug. 2010: “A stupid cow leads her calf near the road.” – Hema (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthAugust 2010 Ente etabani etwara omwana gwayo haihi n’omuhanda. (Hema)Ngombe mjinga hupeleka ndama karibu ya barabara. (Swahili)Une vache stupide conduit le veau […]