August 2, 2019

August, 2019, It doesn’t matter how tall your grandfather was. Medumba (Cameroon) Proverb

  Diisaa tee guibeiyou. (Medumba)
Haijalishi babu yako alikuwa mrefu kiasi gani. (Swahili)
Peu importe la grandeur de ton grand-père. (French)
It doesn't matter how tall your grandfather was. (English)

Medumba (Cameroon)Proverb

June 30, 2019

July 2019, The case of good persons must be judged in a similar way as that of bad ones. Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

  Ciira wa mwega utuo ta wa muuru. (Gikuyu)
Kesi juu ya wazuri na wabaya zitilie usawa zinapokatwa. (Swahili)
Le cas des justes, doivent être jugé dans la même façon que seul des malices. (French)
The case of good persons must be judged in a similar way as that of bad ones. (English)

Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

June 1, 2019

June 2019, An elephant is not overwhelmed by its trunk. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Mhuli idabhunagwa nkondo gwayo (Sukuma).
Tembo hazidiwi na mkonga wake (Swahili).
L’éléphant ne s’accable pas par sa trompe (French)
An elephant is not overwhelmed by its trunk (English).

Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

May 3, 2019

May, 2019 The brotherhood/sisterhood of ducks is known inside the sack. Gweno (Tanzania) Proverb

Udugu wa mbata umanywa guniani. (Gweno)
Undugu wa bata hujilikana wakiwa ndani ya gunia. (Swahili)
La fraternité de canards se connait quand ils sont dans le sac. (French)
The brotherhood/sisterhood of ducks is known inside the sack. (English)

Gweno (Tanzania) Proverb

March 31, 2019

April, 2019 Where a tooth is removed there remains a gap. Soga (Uganda) Proverb

Aghara mwino,tighaira mwino,agharaelino ghaira ilibu. (Soga)
Palipo ng’olewa jino hubaki na pengo. (Swahili)
La une dent est extraite, reste un vide. (French)
Where a tooth is removed there remains a gap. (English)

Soga (Uganda) Proverb

March 1, 2019

March 2019, If you cannot run fast, then you must learn how to hide. Ewe (SE Ghana, Southern Togo, Benin and SW Nigeria) Proverb

Ne matenu afudu o la, ekema nanya bebe. ( Ewe)
Kama huna mbio lazima njue kujificha. (Swahili)
Si tu ne peux pas courir vite, donc tu dois savoir comment se cacher. (French)
If you cannot run fast, then you must learn how to hide. (English)

Ewe (SE Ghana, Southern Togo, Benin and SW Nigeria) Proverb

February 2, 2019

February 2019, The medicine for a rising river is to go back. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Bhugota bho mongo ni gushoka. (Sukuma)
Dawa ya mto ni kurudi. (Swahili)
Leo mèdicament pour une rivière en deluge est de retourner. (French)
The medicine for a rising river is to go back. (English)

Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb


December 31, 2018

January 2019, The bad things you do to others may later be done to you too. Kipsigis (Kenya) Proverb

  Weske uruon bo ket.  (Kipsigis)
Yale maovu unayomtendea mwenzako baadaye huenda ukafanyiwa vile vile. (Swahili)
Le mal que vous avez fait pour d’autres seront. (French)
The bad things you do to others may later be done to you too. (English)

Kipsigis (Kenya) Proverb

December 3, 2018

December 2018 The tongue can bring big problems to the cheek. Joba (Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania) Proverb

Kamwa kashenmga tama. (Joba)
Ulimi waweza leta shida kubwa kwa shavu. (Swahili)
La langue peut causer beaucoup de problemes aux joues. (French)
The tongue can bring big problems to the cheek. (English)

Joba(Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania) Proverb