December 29, 2011

Jan. 2012: “Big fish are caught with big fish hooks” – Kerewe (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of The Month January 2012 Emphiempango ekukwatwa nilobho ihango. (Kerewe). Samaki mkubwa hukamatwa na ndoano kubwa. (Swahili).Les gros poissons s’attrapent à l’aide de gros […]
December 1, 2011

Dec. 2011: “The one with many uncles slept hungry” – Maragoli (Kenya) Proverbs

African Proverb of The Month December 2011 Avee na vakoza vingi agona ni inzara. (Maragoli)Mwenye wajomba wengi alilala njaa. (Swahili)The one with many uncles slept hungry. […]
November 1, 2011

Nov. 2011: “A roaring lion does not catch any prey.” – Acholi (Uganda, South Sudan) Proverb

African Proverbs of The MonthNovember, 2011 Labwor ma kok pe mako lee. (Acholi)Simba angurumaye hamkamati mnyama. (Swahili)Un lion qui grogne n’attrape pas une proie. (French)A roaring […]
October 2, 2011

Oct. 2011: “The woman finds an empty house, she doesn’t find riches.” – Luba-Kasai (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthOctober, 2011 Mukaji utu wasangana nzubu, katu wasangana biuma.  (Luba-Kasai) Mwanamke hupata nyumba likiwa tupu, sio likiwa na utajiri. (Swahili)La femme trouve […]
September 1, 2011

Sep. 2011: “Women give birth with other women” – Alur (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC and Uganda) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthSeptember, 2011 Mon nyol ku mon wadi. (Alur)Wanawake wanazaa na wanawake wengine. (Swahili)Les femmes accouchent avec d’autres femmes. (French)Women give birth with […]
August 2, 2011
Reeds bring water

Aug. 2011: “Things are miraculous: reeds produce water, forests produce firewood and fire produce ashes.” – Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

African Proverbs of The Month August, 2011 Binto mbikone: sasati eibora mache, rosana rwaibora inko, namorero oibora ibu. (Gusii)Mambo ni ya maajabu: matete huzaa maji, misitu […]
July 2, 2011

Jul. 2011: “A woman is like the skin of kabundi (a very tiny wild animal) on which two men cannot sit. ” – Songye (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthJuly 2011 Mukashi nkasokie ka kabundi, takashalaa babidi. (Songye)Mke ni sawa na ngozi ya kabundi (aina ya mnyama wa porini aliye mdodgo […]
June 1, 2011

Jun. 2011: “Faster, faster has finished off the people of Bwilo.” – Kara (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthJune, 2011 Akeuto kamalile abanyabwilo. (Kara). Haraka haraka iliwamaliza watu wa Bwilo. (Swahili).Plus vite, plus vite et ce fut la fin des […]
May 1, 2011

May 2011: “A village never lacks a beautiful young woman” – Lingala (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC, Republic of the Congo, Angola, Central African Republic) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthMay, 2011 Mboka ezangaka mwasi kitoko te. (Lingala)Kijiji hakikosi kamwe msichana mrembo. (Swahili)Il ne manque jamais une belle fille dans un village. […]