March 2, 2008

Feb. 2004 Proverb: “An empty stomach can make a person lose his or her cattle; that is, when the stomach is empty the legs become weak and you can’t run after your animals.” – Toposa (Sudan)

Kitacakari nyakook ewonit ngibaren. (Toposa) An empty stomach can make a person lose his or her cattle; that is, when the stomach is empty the legs […]
March 2, 2008

Jan. 2004 Proverb: “The thorn in your foot is temporarily appeased, but it is still in.” – Longo (Tanzania)

Amihwa gaholela nwele. ( Longo) Miba imepoa kwenye wayo. (Swahili) The thorn in your foot is temporarily appeased, but it is still in. (English) Longo (Tanzania) […]
March 2, 2008

December, 2003 Proverb: “The beer is difficult to strain.” – Anyuak (Ethiopia)

Døø wøk adhienga teek. (Anyuak) The beer is difficult to strain. (English) Anyuak (Ethiopia) Proverb Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday Use   Beer plays an important […]
March 2, 2008

November, 2003 Proverb: “The old woman looks after the child to grow its teeth and the young one in turn looks after the old woman when she loses her teeth.” – Akan (Ghana, Ivory Coast)

Aberewa hwe abofra ma ofifir se nna abofra so hwe aberewa ma nese tutu. (Akan) The old woman looks after the child to grow its teeth […]
March 2, 2008

October, 2003 Proverb: “The hen with baby chicks doesn’t swallow the worm.” – Sukuma (Tanzania)

Ngoko ya ng’wana itamilaga igino.(Sukuma) Kuku mwenye vifaranga hamezi funza (nyungunyungu). (Swahili) The hen with baby chicks doesn’t swallow the worm. (English) Sukuma ( Tanzania) Proverb […]
March 2, 2008

September, 2003 Proverb: “Where there is peace, a billhook (sickle) can be used to shave your beard or cut your hair.” – Rundi (Burundi)

Ahari amahoro umuhoro uramwa. (Rundi) Là où il y a la paix une serpette peut raser/couper les cheveux. (French) Kuliko na amani mundu hunyoa ndevu/hukata nywele. […]
March 2, 2008

August, 2003 Proverb: “Walk on a fresh tree, the dry one will break.” – Bena (Tanzania)

Ugendelage uludodi ulukafu luladenyeha. (Bena) Tembelea mti mbichi mkavu utavunjika. (Swahili) Walk on a fresh tree, the dry one will break. (English) Bena ( Tanzania ) […]
March 2, 2008

July, 2003 Proverb: “When a tree falls on a yam farm and kills the farm’s owner, you don’t waste time counting the numbers of yam hips ruined.” – Igala (Nigeria)

Oli fo’nu oko kpa ma gbaluka ebe. (Igala) When a tree falls on a yam farm and kills the farm’s owner, you don’t waste time counting […]
March 2, 2008

June, 2003 Proverb: “Like vomit and shit under your feet (the rumormonger spreads scandal).” – Sumbwa (Tanzania)

Gaba malusi ne mamvi. (Sumbwa) Yamekuwa matapishi na mavi. (Swahili) Like vomit and shit under your feet (the rumormonger spreads scandal).(English) Sumbwa ( Tanzania ) Proverb […]