April 24, 2008

Apr. 2008: “The water pot presses upon the small circular pad.” – Acholi (Uganda) Proverb

Agulu pii odiyo otac. (Acholi) Jungu la maji hukandamiza kata. (Swahili) The water pot presses upon the small circular pad. (English) Acholi (Uganda) Proverb Background, Explanation, […]
April 2, 2008

Jan. 2008: “I have been bitten by a tsetse fly.” – Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Nalung’wa naba. (Sukuma) Nimeumwa na mbung’o. (Swahili) I have been bitten by a tsetse fly. (English) Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday Use This […]
March 24, 2008

Mar. 2008: “Leave bad things, talk peace.” – Sheng (Kenya) Sayings

Wacha noma, bonga amani. (Sheng) Leave bad things, talk peace. Dere amani manzee. (Sheng) Drive peace my colleagues. Sheng (Kenya) Sayings Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday […]
March 6, 2008

Dec. 2007: “It is not the cook’s fault when the cassava turns out to be hard and tasteless.” – Ewe-mina (Benin, Ghana, and Togo) Proverb

Acute dje kplo metso dada gbo o. (Ewe-mina) Quand le manioc n’est pas tendre, ce n’est pas la faute du cuisinier. (French) Hard and tasteless cassava […]
March 6, 2008

Nov. 2007: “The lead cow (the one in front) gets whipped the most.” – Zulu (South Africa, Swaziland) Proverb

Kushayw’edonsayo. (Zulu). The lead cow (the one in front) gets whipped the most. (English) Zulu (South Africa, Swaziland) Proverb Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday Use When […]
March 6, 2008

Oct. 2007: “Only a wise person can solve a difficult problem.” – Akan (Ghana) Proverb

Nyansapö, kwasea ntumi nsane gye sé nyansafoö. (Akan). The knot of wisdom a fool cannot untie; it takes a wise person. (Literal English Translation) Only a […]
March 6, 2008

Sep. 2007: “Where there’s a will there’s a way.” – Swahili (Eastern and Central Africa) Proverb

Klabu ya Simba ilishinda kwa kishindo cha tsunami. (Literal Swahili) Penye nia pana njia. (Figurative Swahili) The Simba soccer club beat [their long time rival, the […]
March 6, 2008

Aug. 2007: “A child or youth who does not listen to an elder’s advice gets his or her leg broken.” – Nyanja (Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia) Proverb

Zakoma-zakoma, pusi adagwa (anagwa) chagada (cagada). (Nyanja, Chewa) Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu. (Figurative Swahili) Greed led the monkey to fall on its back. (Literal English) […]
March 6, 2008

Jul. 2007: “The camel does not see the bend in its neck.” – Arabic (Libya) Proverb

El dzamel ma ishbeh aouz rugupta. (Arabic) The camel does not see the bend in its neck. (English) Arabic (Libya) Proverb Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday […]