February 17, 2007

Jun. 1998: “I pointed out to you the stars (the moon) and all you saw was the tip of my finger.” – Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of the Month June 1998 Nalukolekejaga sonda (ng’weli) walola lwala. (Sukuma) Nilikuonyesha nyota (mwezi) na uliangalia kidole tu. (Swahili) I pointed out to you […]
June 1, 2000

Jun. 2000 Proverb: ” Even haplochromis (name of a small fish) employs tilapia (name of a large fish). ” – Luo (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda )

African Proverb of the Month June, 2000 Fulu bende oro ngege. – Luo Hata furu (uduvi) humtuma sato. – Swahili Even haplochromis (name of a small […]