March 6, 2008

Oct. 2006: “A rich person does not have to struggle, that is, share the problems of ordinary people.” – Shubi (Tanzania) Proverb

Umtajiri ntagira umsozi. (Shubi) Mtajiri hana mlima. (Swahili) A rich person does not have a mountain. (Literal English Translation) A rich person does not have to […]
March 6, 2008

Sep. 2006: “When you sort out the grains, it becomes pure.” – Tigrinya (Eritrea, Ethiopia) Proverb

When you sort out the grains, it becomes pure. (Tigrinya). Ukipepeta nafaka, inabaki iliyo safi. (Swahili) Tigrinya (Eritrea, Ethiopia) Proverb Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday Use […]
March 6, 2008

Aug. 2006: “Don’t ask for Glasgow when you have already reached London.” – Subi (Tanzania) Proverb

Otakubuza Lukole wahikile Mubaga. (Subi) Usiulize Lukole wakati umeishafika Mubaga. (Swahili) Don’t ask for Lukole when you have already reached [the village of] Mubaga. (Literal English […]
March 6, 2008

Jul. 2006: “The chief’s son has to collect firewood when destiny destroys him.” – Moru (Sudan) Proverb

Ca ygwa opi ro ongona tiza ondro kandra kozi ka’do te owo’. (Moru). Mwana wa chifu anatakiwa kuokota kuni wakati mustakabali wake utakapomwangamiza. (Swahili) The chief’s […]
March 6, 2008

Jun. 2006: “Suffering is prior to attaining success or perfection.” – Chagga (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthJune, 2006 Kulalya ukiwa kommba mndu vo / Ulandelye ukiwa ulandewe mndu pfo / Utametelya ukiva weva mndu kwi. (Three Chagga dialects)Usipopata […]
March 6, 2008

May 2006: “A debt is not a loss once one knows the debtor.” – Tembo (Democratic Republic of Congo) Proverb

Keshi walyire kataera. (Tembo) Une dette n’est pas une perte lorsque le débiteur est connu. (French) A debt is not a loss once one knows the […]
March 6, 2008

Apr. 2006: “Until the lion has his or her own storyteller, the hunter will always have the best part of the story.” – Ewe-mina (Benin, Ghana, and Togo) Proverb

Gnatola ma no kpon sia, eyenabe adelan to kpo mi sena. (Ewe-mina) A moins ce que le lion ait son propre narrateur, le chasseur aura toujours […]
March 6, 2008

Mar. 2006: “A warthog eating its fill does not delight a pig.” – Sena (Mozambique) Proverb

Kukhuta kwa njiri, nkhumba nkhabe sekera bi. (Sena) Se o javali ficar saciado, o porco nao fica satisfeito (Literal: A saciedade do javali, o porco nao […]
March 6, 2008

Feb. 2006: “Une pierre de chez soi vaut dix de l’oued” – Southern Tashelhayt Berber (Algeria, Morocco) Proverb

Azru n-tmazirt yuf mraw n-wasif. (Southern Tashelhayt Berber) A stone from home is worth ten from the riverbed. (English) Une pierre de chez soi vaut dix […]