December 2010Preventative Medicine Amihwa gaholela nwele. (Longo) Miba imepoa kwenye wayo. (Swahili) The thorn in your foot is temporarily appeased, but it is still in. (English) […]
December 2012Giving Birth Mon nyol ku mon wadi. (Alur) Wanawake wanazaa na wanawake wengine. (Swahili) Les femmes accouchent avec d’autres femmes. (French) Women give […]
November 2009Simple Lifestyle Iireragira ruku-ini ni ikaya kuigana. (Gikuyu) It [a bug] grows up in dry wood, and yet it comes to maturity. (English) Gikuyu (Kenya) […]
November 2011Overcoming Pollution Uwaingila mu mushintu, tomfwa swanswa. (Bemba) One who enters the forest does not listen to the breaking of the twigs in the brush. […]
November 2012Hospitality Mgeni njoo, mwenyeji apone. (Swahili) Let the guest come so that the host or hostess may benefit (get well). (English) Swahili (Eastern and Central […]
October 2009Depend on Wise People Nyansapö, kwasea ntumi nsane gye sé nyansafoö. (Akan) The knot of wisdom a fool cannot untie; it takes a wise person. […]
October 2010Concern for the Whole Community Wabiute, walya watundila uenyu. (Bembe) Kama siafu, kula sehemu ndogo na peleka nyingine nyumbani. (Swahili) Comme les fourmis, mange peu […]