September 25, 2008

Dec. 2010: “The thorn in your foot is temporarily appeased, but it is still in.” – Longo (Tanzania) Proverb

December 2010Preventative Medicine Amihwa gaholela nwele. (Longo) Miba imepoa kwenye wayo. (Swahili)  The thorn in your foot is temporarily appeased, but it is still in. (English) […]
September 25, 2008

Dec. 2011: “A hill with trees is the hand or finger of God. ” – Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

December 2011God’s Care of Creation Kîrîma kî mîtî nî guoko kwa Ngai (kîara kîa Ngai). (Gikuyu) Kilima kilio na miti ni mkono au kidole cha Mungu. […]
September 25, 2008

Dec. 2012: “Women give birth with other women.” – Alur (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC and Uganda) Proverb

December 2012Giving Birth     Mon nyol ku mon wadi. (Alur) Wanawake wanazaa na wanawake wengine. (Swahili) Les femmes accouchent avec d’autres femmes. (French) Women give […]
September 25, 2008

Nov. 2009: “Suffering is prior to attaining success or perfection.” – Chagga (Tanzania) Proverb

November 2009Suffer for Justice Kulalya ukiwa kommba mndu vo / Ulandelye ukiwa ulandewe mndu pfo / Utametelya ukiva weva mndu kwi. (Three Chagga dialects) Usipopata taabu […]
September 25, 2008

Nov. 2010: “It [a bug] grows up in dry wood, and yet it comes to maturity.” – Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

November 2009Simple Lifestyle Iireragira ruku-ini ni ikaya kuigana. (Gikuyu) It [a bug] grows up in dry wood, and yet it comes to maturity. (English)  Gikuyu (Kenya) […]
September 25, 2008

Nov. 2010: “One who enters the forest does not listen to the breaking of the twigs in the brush.” – Bemba (Zambia) Proverb

November 2011Overcoming Pollution Uwaingila mu mushintu, tomfwa swanswa. (Bemba) One who enters the forest does not listen to the breaking of the twigs in the brush. […]
September 25, 2008

Nov. 2012: “Let the guest come so that the host or hostess may benefit (get well).” – Swahili (Eastern and Central Africa) Proverb

November 2012Hospitality Mgeni njoo, mwenyeji apone. (Swahili) Let the guest come so that the host or hostess may benefit (get well). (English) Swahili (Eastern and Central […]
September 25, 2008

Oct. 2009: “Only a wise person can solve a difficult problem.” – Akan (Ghana) Proverb

October 2009Depend on Wise People Nyansapö, kwasea ntumi nsane gye sé nyansafoö. (Akan) The knot of wisdom a fool cannot untie; it takes a wise person. […]
September 25, 2008

Oct. 2010: “Like ants, eat little and carry the rest back to your home.” – Bembe (Democratic Republic of the Congo – DRC, Tanzania) Proverb

October 2010Concern for the Whole Community Wabiute, walya watundila uenyu. (Bembe) Kama siafu, kula sehemu ndogo na peleka nyingine nyumbani. (Swahili) Comme les fourmis, mange peu […]
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