October 1, 2022

October 2022 African Proverb of the Month One hand does not raise a child. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Unkono ugumo gudalelea ng’wana. (Sukuma) Mkono mmoja haulei mtoto. (Swahili) Une seule main, n’eleve pas l’enfant. French) One hand does not raise a child. (English)   […]
July 31, 2022

August 2022 African Proverb of the Month Many pieces of firewood light the whole night.Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Ng’hwi ninghi jigangaluchaga. (Sukuma). Kuni nyingi hukesha. (Swahili). De nombreux morceaux de bois éclairent toute la nuit.(French). Many pieces of firewood light the whole night. (English). […]
March 31, 2022

April 2022 African Riddle/Story of the Month“I have a riddle.” “Let it come.” A person went to the coast naked and came back/returned fully clothed?… groundnut/peanut.Sukuma (Tanzania) Riddle/Story

“Kalagu.” “Kize.” Kaja nhwani kali duhu kugiza kazwalile?… nharanga (Sukuma). “Kitendawili.” “Tega” Alienda pwani uchi akarudi amevaa?… karanga (Swahili). “J’ai une énigme.” “Laissez-la venir.” Une personne […]
January 31, 2022

February, 2022 African Proverb of the MonthThe one who leads (usually in a herd of cattle) drinks clean and clear water. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Nh’onga mbele igang’waga minze milu (matengeku). (Sukuma) Anayetangulia mbele hunywa maji safi.  (Swahili) Celui qui arrive le premier (les troupeaux) boit de l’eau propre et claire. […]
December 1, 2021

December, 2021 African Proverb of the MonthThe ant tried/made an effort to eat the rock (stone).Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Nswa go/gwa gema iwe. (Sukuma) Mchwa ulijaribu jiwe. (Swahili) La fourmi a essayé/fait un effort pour manger le rocher (pierre). (French) The ant tried/made an effort […]
October 3, 2021

October 2021 African Proverb of the MonthThe monitor lizard has stuck on a rock. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Mbulu yashinitale. (Sukuma) Kenge ameng’ata jiwe. (Swahili) Le varan s’est collé sur un rocher. (French) The monitor lizard has stuck on a rock(English) Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb […]
June 30, 2021

July, 2021 African Proverb of the MonthThe way is in the mouth.Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Nzila ili munomo. (Sukuma) Njia ipo mdomoni. (Swahili) Le chemin est dans la bouche. (French) The way is in the mouth. (English) Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb Background, […]
February 1, 2021

February-March, 2021 The pursuit of grasshoppers is done in the morning. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Isunga ng’humbi lili dilu. (Sukuma) Utafutaji wa panzi ni asubuhi. (Swahili) La poursuite des sauterelles se fait le matin. (French) The pursuit of grasshoppers is done […]
November 3, 2020

November, 2020 To lose the way is to find the way. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Kuhubha nzila hu gumana nzila. (Sukuma) Kukosea njia ndiyo kujua njia. (Swahili) Perdre le chemin, c’est trouver le chemin. (French) To lose the way is to […]