Abayita ababiri bajjukanya (=bejjukanya). (Ganda)
Waendao pamoja hugutushana. (Literal Swahili Translation)
Umoja ni nguvu. (Figurative Swahili Translation)
Those who walk together warn each other. (Literal English Translation)
Unity is strength. (Figurative English Translation)
Ganda (Uganda) Proverb
Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday Use
The theme of this Ganda proverb of the Baganda people in Uganda is the mutual help of friends. The background is when two people are walking along together and the presence of a leopard is sensed. The fright makes their hair stand on end as a way of warning each other of the danger.
The proverb is used in situations where people do not want to cooperate. It encourages them to work together.
Biblical Parallels
The 72 disciples of Jesus were sent out in pairs to help each other along the way (Luke 10:1-2).
Contemporary Use and Religious Application
In any undertaking when a person may be sent, she or he needs to cooperate with other people in order to bring about success and prosperity. This is very relevant for working together to promote peace and justice in Africa today.
NOTE: This proverb is No. 71 in Ferdinand Walser, Luganda Proverbs (Kampala, Uganda: Mill Hill Missionaries, 1984).
Vincent Ssemakula
Jude Kiggala
Seminarians of
Spiritan Missionary Seminary
P. O. Box 2682
Arusha, Tanzania
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