August 8, 2019

June 2018, The patience of a young girl brings joy to the parents; at the end it brings celebration. Rundi (Burundi and Rwanda) Proverb

  situs toto
August 8, 2019

May 2018, Your friend’s mother is your mother too. Digo (Mijikenda) Kenya Proverb

  situs toto
August 8, 2019

April 2018, A child eats at his/her parents even if he/ she has poured out the flour. Nyanga (Northern Kivu Province Walikale Territory, DRC) Proverb

  situs toto
August 8, 2019

March 2018, A cow’s horn cannot kill its calf. Kalenjin (Kenya and Uganda) Proverb

  situs toto
August 8, 2019

February 2018, Young growing cuttings determine a good harvest of cassava. Tonga (Malawi) Proverb

  situs toto
August 8, 2019

January 2018 Use of brains begets wealth. Sheng (Kenya) Saying

  situs toto
August 8, 2019

December 2017, Major problems have solution with the old men. Eton proverb from Cameroon, Eq- Guinea, Gabon and Sao tome & Principe.

 December 2017, Major problems have solution with the old men.  Eton proverb from Cameroon, Eq- Guinea, Gabon and Sao tome & Principe. situs toto
August 8, 2019

November 2017, A cow’s horn cannot kill its calf. Kalenjin (Kenya and Uganda) Proverb

 November 2017, A cow’s horn cannot kill its calf. Kalenjin (Kenya and Uganda) Proverb situs toto
August 8, 2019

October 2017, A good name is better than a nice scent. Burji (Ethiopia, Kenya) Proverb

 October 2017, A good name is better than a nice scent. Burji (Ethiopia, Kenya) Proverb situs toto