August 1, 2024

August 2024 African Proverb of the Month
A lover’s place has no hills
Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

  Kwa mwendwa gutiri irima.  (Gikuyu, Kenya) Pa mpenzi hakuna milima. (Swahili) Le lieu des amoureux n’a pas de collines. (French) A lover’s place has no […]
December 1, 2022

December 2022 African Proverb of the Month
Blood is thicker than water .
Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Thakame ne nditho gukera maii (Gikuyu), Damu ni nzito kuliko maji (Swahili). Le sang est plus épais que l’eau (French). Blood is thicker than water (English). […]
April 30, 2022

May, 2022 African Proverb of the Month
The day is never cursed before it finally comes to an end.
Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Muthenya ndurumagwo utari uratuka. (Gikuyu) Siku hailaniwi kabla ya kikomo chake. (Swahili) On ne condamne pas le jour avant qu’il prenne sa fin. (French) The day […]
December 30, 2021

January, 2022 African Proverb of the Month
People realize that a cow gave us much milk only after it dies.
Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Imenyagwo irari iria yakwua.  (Gikuyu) Watu wanatambua kwamba ng’ombe iliwapatia maziwa mengi baada ya kufa.(Swahili) Les gens réalisent simplement qu’une vache ne nous a donné beaucoup […]
March 31, 2021

April 2021 African Proverb of the Month
A wise person is the one who listens to counsel.
Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Muugi ni mutaare (Gikuyu) Mtu mwenye busara ni yule anayesikiliza ushauri.  (Swahili) Une personne sage est celle qui écoute les conseils. (French) A wise person is […]
September 30, 2020

October, 2020 One who associates with a person with bad behaviors risks falling into them. Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Muceera na mukundu akundukaga take. (Gikuyu, Kenya) Atembeaye na mtu mwenye tabia mbaya mwishoe huziiaga hizo tabia mbaya. (Swahili) Celui qui s’associe à une personne ayant […]
June 30, 2019

July 2019, The case of good persons must be judged in a similar way as that of bad ones. Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

  Ciira wa mwega utuo ta wa muuru. (Gikuyu)
Kesi juu ya wazuri na wabaya zitilie usawa zinapokatwa. (Swahili)
Le cas des justes, doivent être jugé dans la même façon que seul des malices. (French)
The case of good persons must be judged in a similar way as that of bad ones. (English)

Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

November 7, 2014

November -December, 2014 Any goat can serve as bridewealth unless it has a defect Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

  Gutiri mburi itangiracio tiga inawathe. (Gikuyu)
Mbuzi yeyote hukubalika kama mahari, lakini asiwe na dosari. (Swahili)
Toute chèvre peut servir de dot, à moins qu’elle ne présente un défaut. (French)
Any goat can serve as bridewealth unless it has a defect. (English)

Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

April 3, 2014

April-May 2014 – Home is for a husband and a wife. Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Mucii ni wa muthuri na mutumia. (Gikuyu)
Nyumba ni ya mume na mke. (Swahili)
La maison est pour mari et la femme (French)
Home is for a husband and a wife. (English)

Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

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