October 31, 2021

November 2021 African Proverb of the Month
If you sit on a hearthstone, you do not grow tall.
Ganda (Uganda) Proverb

Bwotuula ku ssiga towanvuwa. (Ganda) Ukikaa juu mawe ya mafiga hautakua mrefu. (Swahili) Quand tu t’assoies sur les trois pieces du foyer tu risques de ne […]
January 7, 2021

January 2021 Your elder sibling’s pocket or bag does not contain your savings/contents. Ganda (Uganda) Saying

Ensawo ya mukuluwo tekuterekera. (Ganda) Mfuko wa mkubwao haukubebei chako. (Swahili) La poche de ton ainé ne contient rien pour toi.  (French) Your elder sibling’s pocket […]
August 31, 2020

September, 2020 When a bird builds its nest it uses the feathers of other birds. Ganda/Kooki (Uganda) Proverb

Akanyonyi kakozesa byo oya birara okuzimba ekisu kyaako.(Kooki) Ndege hujenga kiota kwa kutumia manyoya ya ndege wengine. (Swahili) Quand l’oiseau construit son nid, Il utilise les […]
November 4, 2013

November 2013 – The paw prints (tracks) of a leopard are not be trodden in by a dog. Ganda (Uganda) Proverb




Ssebuwufu bwa ngo, tebuyitibwaamu mbwa. (Luganda)

M'mbwa hawezi kamwe kutembea katika nyayo za chui. ( Swahili)

Le chien ne peut jamais pietiner sur les pas du leopard. (French)

The paw prints (tracks) of a leopard are not be trodden in by a dog. (English)

Ganda (Uganda) Proverb

April 1, 2010
Red and black ant standing together

Apr. 2010: “The reddish-brown biting ant that breaks away from the trail is the one that turns into the big black ant.” – Soga, Ganda (Uganda) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthApril 2010 Ensanafu eyawukana ku mugenderero, n’efuuka kabasa. (Soga)Ensanafu eyawukana ku mugendo, y’efuuka kaasa. (Ganda)Siafu mwekundu aachae njia (nyayo) yake hugeuka siafu […]
November 1, 2009

Nov. 2009: “You would not entrust an old cooking pot to the care of a friend or associate.” – Ganda (Uganda) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthNovember 2009 Ssentamu nkadde, togiteresa munno. (Ganda) Hutoacha chungu chako kizee kitunzwe na rafiki yako. (Swahili) On ne laisse pas sa vieille […]
March 6, 2008

Jan. 2007: “Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper.” – Haya (Tanzania) Proverb

Obusisi bubili tibulemwa nsenene emoi. (Haya) Sisimizi wawili hawashindwi kuvuta panzi mmoja. (Swahili) Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper. (English) Haya (Tanzania) Proverb […]
March 6, 2008

Dec. 2006: “Unity is strength.” – Ganda (Uganda) Proverb

Abayita ababiri bajjukanya (=bejjukanya). (Ganda) Waendao pamoja hugutushana. (Literal Swahili Translation) Umoja ni nguvu. (Figurative Swahili Translation) Those who walk together warn each other. (Literal English […]
March 1, 2008

Aug. 2001 Proverb: ” Water that has been begged for does not quench the thirst.” – Soga, Ganda (Uganda)

African Proverb of the Month August, 2001 Amaadhi amasabe tigamala ndigho. (Soga) Maji ya bure hayakati kiu. (Swahili) Water that has been begged for does not […]