February 1, 2021

February-March, 2021 The pursuit of grasshoppers is done in the morning. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Isunga ng’humbi lili dilu. (Sukuma) Utafutaji wa panzi ni asubuhi. (Swahili) La poursuite des sauterelles se fait le matin. (French) The pursuit of grasshoppers is done […]
January 7, 2021

January 2021 Your elder sibling’s pocket or bag does not contain your savings/contents. Ganda (Uganda) Saying

Ensawo ya mukuluwo tekuterekera. (Ganda) Mfuko wa mkubwao haukubebei chako. (Swahili) La poche de ton ainé ne contient rien pour toi.  (French) Your elder sibling’s pocket […]
December 1, 2020

December, 2020 It is lame, but now it is a big ox and able to graze with its lameness. Kalanga (Botswana and Zimbabwe ) Proverb

Chabe chigondola, chabe ching’ombe, kukhona fula bulema gwacho. (Kalanga). Beberu mlemavu na sasa ni mkubwa angali ajilisha. (Swahili). Il est boiteux, il est maintenant un grand […]
November 3, 2020

November, 2020 To lose the way is to find the way. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Kuhubha nzila hu gumana nzila. (Sukuma) Kukosea njia ndiyo kujua njia. (Swahili) Perdre le chemin, c’est trouver le chemin. (French) To lose the way is to […]
September 30, 2020

October, 2020 One who associates with a person with bad behaviors risks falling into them. Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Muceera na mukundu akundukaga take. (Gikuyu, Kenya) Atembeaye na mtu mwenye tabia mbaya mwishoe huziiaga hizo tabia mbaya. (Swahili) Celui qui s’associe à une personne ayant […]
August 31, 2020

September, 2020 When a bird builds its nest it uses the feathers of other birds. Ganda/Kooki (Uganda) Proverb

Akanyonyi kakozesa byo oya birara okuzimba ekisu kyaako.(Kooki) Ndege hujenga kiota kwa kutumia manyoya ya ndege wengine. (Swahili) Quand l’oiseau construit son nid, Il utilise les […]
August 1, 2020

August, 2020 A climbing plant with tendrils cannot grow on its own without a tree’s support. Rufumbira (Uganda) Proverb

Imbuto zikurura zishingirwa ibiti. (Rufumbira) Mmea utambaao hauwezi stawi bila kuchimikiwa kijiti. (Swahili) Une plante vrille ne peut pas grandir seule, sans le support d’un arbre. […]
June 30, 2020

July, 2020 There are not big horns, they are all horns. Nuer (South Sudan, Ethiopia) Proverb

Thilɛ dit tuɔ̱ŋ. (Nuer) Hakuna pembe kubwa, zote ni pembe. (Swahili) Il n’y a pas une grande corne, elles les sont toutes. (French) There are not […]
June 1, 2020

June 2020, Goat droppings (that later become manure) are mainly found in a loafing shed (barn). Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Bushi bho mbuli bugakwilaga mlubigile. (Sukuma). Kinyesi cha mbuzi hupatikana kwa wingi zizini. (Swahili) Les fientes (excréments fumiers) de chèvres, se trouvent principalement dans la chèvrerie. […]