Nyana-so ni nyu do doun, keh do za-nyohn de ke. (Bassa) Smoke does not affect honeybees alone; honey-gatherers are also affected. (English) Bassa ( liberia ) […]
African Proverb of the Month July, 2002 Ejok nyitoan ewok nyakung. (Toposa) The person who has a light knee can survive longer. (English) Toposa ( Sudan […]
African Proverb of the Month May/June, 2002 Siemunda sisuta siekhumurwe. (Bukusu) Kilicho tumboni ndicho hubeba kilicho kichwani. (Swahili) What is in the stomach carries what is […]
African Proverb of the Month April, 2002 Ng’ora, ng’ora, kirunguri gekuya gokerandi. (Kuria) Pole, pole uji uende kibuyu. (Swahili) Slowly, slowly, porridge goes into the gourd. […]
African Proverb of the Month March, 2002 Nguru iri matugu. (Tharaka) Mjinga huwa na siku nyingi. (Swahili) A fool has many days. (English) Tharaka ( Kenya […]
African Proverb of the Month January, 2002 Kure ndokusina, kwachiri unofa wasvika. (Shona) Far is where there is nothing, where something is that you will […]
African Proverb of the Month December, 2001 Omukekhe na akhetuya saria khukeenda taa. (Bukusu) Mtoto haogopi kwenda mahali popote kabla hajaumia. (Swahili) A child (young person) […]
African Proverb of the Month November, 2001 Wapiganapo tembo nyasi huumia. (Swahili) When elephants fight the grass (reeds) gets hurt. (English) Swahili ( Eastern and Central […]