March 2, 2008

Jun. 2004 Proverb: “Hot water does not burn down the house.” – Swahili (Eastern and Central Africa)

Maji ya moto hayachomi nyumba. (Swahili) Hot water does not burn down the house. (English) Swahili (Eastern and Central Africa) Proverb Also Sukuma and Ngoreme (Tanzania), […]
March 2, 2008

Apr. 2004 Proverb: “If you refuse the advice of an elder you will walk until sunset.” – Kuria (Kenya, Tanzania)

  Hano wangere iyomokoro oregeenda bwire. (Kuria) Kama ukikataa la mkuu utatembea mpaka machweo. (Swahili) If you refuse the advice of an elder you will walk […]
March 1, 2008

Apr. 2002 Proverb: ” Slowly, slowly, porridge goes into the gourd.” – Kuria ( Kenya, Tanzania)

African Proverb of the Month April, 2002 Ng’ora, ng’ora, kirunguri gekuya gokerandi. (Kuria) Pole, pole uji uende kibuyu. (Swahili) Slowly, slowly, porridge goes into the gourd. […]
March 1, 2008

Nov. 2001 Proverb: ” When elephants fight the grass (reeds) gets hurt.” – Swahili ( Eastern and Central Africa ), Also Gikuyu ( Kenya), Kuria ( Kenya/Tanzania), Ngoreme (Tanzania)

African Proverb of the Month November, 2001 Wapiganapo tembo nyasi huumia. (Swahili) When elephants fight the grass (reeds) gets hurt. (English) Swahili ( Eastern and Central […]
March 1, 2008

Apr. 1999: “One person is thin porridge or gruel; two or three people are a lump (handful) of ugali (stiff cooked meal/flour from sorghum or millet). – Kuria (Tanzania and Kenya) Proverb

Omoonto umwi nkirunguuri, ababere nitoonge rebukima One person is thin porridge or gruel; two or three people are a lump (handful) of ugali (stiff cooked meal/flour […]