August 1, 2010

Aug. 2010: “A stupid cow leads her calf near the road.” – Hema (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthAugust 2010 Ente etabani etwara omwana gwayo haihi n’omuhanda. (Hema)Ngombe mjinga hupeleka ndama karibu ya barabara. (Swahili)Une vache stupide conduit le veau […]
February 28, 2010

Mar. 2010: “Wisdom is like fire. People take it from others.” – Hema (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthMarch 2010 Amagezi muro bagwisha nzweri. (Hema)Hekima ni moto hupatikana kwa jirani. (Swahili) La sagesse est semblable au feu. On l’obtient chez […]