May 1, 2023

May 2023 African Proverb of the Month
Many are good but when I share my food with them, I feel bad.
Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

Abange nabaya bakaria kiane inkaigwa bobe. (Gusii) Ni vema kuwa wengi, ila ninaposhiriki nao chakula changu, najihisi vibaya. (Swahili) C’est bon d’être nombreux, mais quand je […]
December 1, 2016

December, 2016 No, the bull will never bellow when it sleeps; neither will the cockerel ever crow without clapping its wings. Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

  Yaya, e’eri  tiyana kwana marara, na twani tiyana kobuga eta’ageti chimba. (Gusii)
Fahari haiwezi kunguruma akilala wala jogoo hawezi kuwika bila kupiga mabawa yake. (Swahili)
La vache beugle jarnais quand elle dort, ni le coq ne chante sans bouger ses ailes. (French)
No, the bull will never bellow when it sleeps; neither will the cockerel ever crow without clapping its wings. (English)

Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

March 3, 2014

March 2014 – A faithful woman is a crown to her husband. Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

Omokungu omwegenu nogoseseni ase omosa cha oye. (Gusii).

Mke mwema ni taji kwa mumewe. (Swahili).

Une bonne femme est un diademe ou une couronne a son mari (epoux). (French).

A faithful woman is a crown to her husband. (English).

Gusii (Kenya) Proverb 

August 2, 2011
Reeds bring water

Aug. 2011: “Things are miraculous: reeds produce water, forests produce firewood and fire produce ashes.” – Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

African Proverbs of The Month August, 2011 Binto mbikone: sasati eibora mache, rosana rwaibora inko, namorero oibora ibu. (Gusii)Mambo ni ya maajabu: matete huzaa maji, misitu […]
January 31, 2010

Feb. 2010: “Do not boast about yourself before performing an event, but after the event.” – Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthFebruary 2010 Totiana maseta, gwatiana masetoka. (Gusii)Usijisifu kuwa mutendaji wa jambo kabla, lakini jisifu baada ya kutenda. (Swahili)Ne te glorifie pas d’être […]
March 2, 2008

Jul. 2004 Proverb: “The person who tends to ingratiate himself to his father without involving others never inherits the father’s property.” – Gusii (Kenya)

Modera i’se mono tanakomora mwando. (Gusii) Anayejiweka mstari wa mbele kumuhudumia babake hukosa urithi. (Swahili) The person who tends to ingratiate himself to his father without […]
March 1, 2008

Oct. 1999: “The bush in which you hide has eyes.” – Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

African Proverb of the Month October, 1999 Getutu kere maiso. The bush in which you hide has eyes. Gusii ( Kenya ) Explanation: A secret is […]