August 31, 2024

September 2024 African Proverb of the Month
Your colleague’s child is your child.
Bena (Tanzania) Proverb

  Umwana va myago ye mwana vako. (Bena) Mtoto wa mwenzako ni mtoto wako. (Swahili) L’enfant de votre collègue est le vôtre. (French) Your colleague’s child […]
March 1, 2024

March, 2024 African Proverb of the Month
The thing that overcomes you, tell your colleagues to help you.
Bena (Tanzania) Proverb

Ulukani lwelukulema valongele avayago vakutange. (Bena) Jambo linalokushinda waambie wenzako wakusaidie. (Swahili) S’il y a une chose qui vous dépasse, dites à vos collègues de vous […]
December 31, 2023

January, 2024 African Proverb of the Month
A house is beautiful if it has people.
Bena (Tanzania) Proverb

Inyumba yinoga peyina vanu. (Bena) Nyumba inapendeza ikiwa na watu. (Swahili) Une maison est belle s’il y a des gens. (French) A house is beautiful if […]
September 30, 2023

October, 2023 African Proverb of the Month
A dog that looks down is a thief..
Bena (Tanzania) Proverb

Imbwa ndavila pasi ye nyidzi. (Bena) Mbwa anayeangalia chini ndiye mwizi. (Swahili) Un chien qui baisse les yeux, est un voleur. (French) A dog that looks […]
November 1, 2022

November 2022 African Proverb of the Month
Walk on a fresh tree, a dry one will break.
Bena (Tanzania) Proverb

Ugendalage uludodi, ulukafu luladenyeka. (Bena) Tembelea mti mbichi, mkavu utavunjika. (Swahili) Marcher sur un arbre frais, un arbre sec se cassera. (French) Walk on a fresh […]
March 2, 2008

August, 2003 Proverb: “Walk on a fresh tree, the dry one will break.” – Bena (Tanzania)

Ugendelage uludodi ulukafu luladenyeha. (Bena) Tembelea mti mbichi mkavu utavunjika. (Swahili) Walk on a fresh tree, the dry one will break. (English) Bena ( Tanzania ) […]