November 1, 2011

Nov. 2011: “A roaring lion does not catch any prey.” – Acholi (Uganda, South Sudan) Proverb

African Proverbs of The MonthNovember, 2011 Labwor ma kok pe mako lee. (Acholi)Simba angurumaye hamkamati mnyama. (Swahili)Un lion qui grogne n’attrape pas une proie. (French)A roaring […]
February 2, 2009

Feb. 2009: “An elder’s handbag is never completely empty.” – Acholi (Uganda, Sudan) Proverb

African Proverb of the Month February 2009 Kicaa pa ladit pe dong nono. (Acholi) Mkoba wa mzee hauishiwi kabisa. (Swahili) An elder’s handbag is never completely […]
April 24, 2008

Apr. 2008: “The water pot presses upon the small circular pad.” – Acholi (Uganda) Proverb

Agulu pii odiyo otac. (Acholi) Jungu la maji hukandamiza kata. (Swahili) The water pot presses upon the small circular pad. (English) Acholi (Uganda) Proverb Background, Explanation, […]