December 2012Giving Birth Mon nyol ku mon wadi. (Alur) Wanawake wanazaa na wanawake wengine. (Swahili) Les femmes accouchent avec d’autres femmes. (French) Women give […]
November 2012Hospitality Mgeni njoo, mwenyeji apone. (Swahili) Let the guest come so that the host or hostess may benefit (get well). (English) Swahili (Eastern and Central […]
October 2012Sharing Mbiti yi mwana ndiisaa ikamina. (Akamba) Fisi mwenye mtoto hali na kumaliza chakula. (Swahili) The hyena with a cub does not eat up (consume) […]
May 2012Motherhood Atannayita: y’atenda nnyina obufumbi (=okufumba) (Ganda) The person who has not travelled widely thinks his or her mother is the only cook (the […]
August 2012Sisterhood Walya ékongyé tù kone m’moka. (Bembe) Ne rompez jamais la fraternité à cause de la bonne moisson du maïs. (French) Uvunapo mahindi, chunga usi […]
July 2012Parenting Rigita thi wega; ndwaheiruio ni aciari; ni ngombo uhetwo ni ciana ciaku. (Kikuyu) Itunze arthi vyema; hukupewa na wazazi; bali umekopeshwa na wazao wako. […]
June 2012Raising Children It takes a whole village to raise a child. Igbo and Yoruba (Nigeria) Proverb Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday […]