Nkome kakinda: Teka vútula mbusa. (Kongo) (Para se dar) um murro forte: É preciso voltar a mão atrás para ganhar balance. (Portuguese) To punch with a […]
Waalombwelwa noyi niiso paantu. (Oshiwambo) If you do not listen to good advice, you will be embarrassed in public. (English) Oshiwambo (Namibia) Proverb Background,Explanation, Meaning and […]
Runda benda saon beoogo kurga. (Moore) Le caleçon d’aujourd’hui vaut mieux que le slip de demain. (French) The pants of today are better than the breeches […]
Mambo? Poa! (Swahili) How are things? Cool! (English) Swahili (Eastern and Central Africa) Saying Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday Use This popular Swahili saying or slang […]
Biye ojemo ni ng’wen. (Luo) Mchwa awachongea kumbikumbi. (Swahili) The fierce white ants cause the death of the kind and harmless ants. (Literal English translation) Termites […]
Ma’di a erwa ni Ma’di. (Ma’di) The cure of the Ma’di is Ma’di. (English) Ma’di (Sudan, Uganda) Proverb Background, Explanation, Meaning and Everyday Use The Ma’ […]
Linza: mi da wu:ta ma:ganin mahaukacin do:ki. (Hausa) A bit with fire, the medicine for a mad horse. (Literal English translation) A boisterous horse needs a […]