February 28, 2010

Mar. 2010: “Wisdom is like fire. People take it from others.” – Hema (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthMarch 2010 Amagezi muro bagwisha nzweri. (Hema)Hekima ni moto hupatikana kwa jirani. (Swahili) La sagesse est semblable au feu. On l’obtient chez […]
January 31, 2010

Feb. 2010: “Do not boast about yourself before performing an event, but after the event.” – Gusii (Kenya) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthFebruary 2010 Totiana maseta, gwatiana masetoka. (Gusii)Usijisifu kuwa mutendaji wa jambo kabla, lakini jisifu baada ya kutenda. (Swahili)Ne te glorifie pas d’être […]
December 25, 2009

Jan. 2010: “A stick is straightened while still young” – Kiga, Ankole (Uganda) Proverb

African Proverb of the MonthJanuary 2010 Akati kinikwa kakiri kabisa. (Kiga) Mti hukunjwa wakati ungali mchanga. (Swahili)On redresse l’arbre quand il est encore jeune. (French) A […]
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