April 2, 2012

Apr. 2012: “When the crocodile jumps around he ends up by receiving the spear. Subi (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of The Month April 2012 Omsagasaga gwemamba elugaha ebugana emzela. (Subi). Mamba akitapatapa majini mwisho hukutana na mkuki. (Swahili). When the crocodile jumps around […]
March 6, 2008

Aug. 2006: “Don’t ask for Glasgow when you have already reached London.” – Subi (Tanzania) Proverb

Otakubuza Lukole wahikile Mubaga. (Subi) Usiulize Lukole wakati umeishafika Mubaga. (Swahili) Don’t ask for Lukole when you have already reached [the village of] Mubaga. (Literal English […]