June 29, 2012

July, 2012 Water follows the slope -Shubi (Tanzania) Proverb .

July, 2012 African Proverb of the Month

Amazi gakulikila umgolomoko. (Shubi).
Maji hufuata mtelemko.(Swahili).
L’eau suit la descente. (Français).
Water follows the slope. (English).

Shubi (Tanzania) Proverb
March 6, 2008

Jun. 2007: “The thing that will hurt you will always keep on coming back even if you try to avoid it.” – Shubi (Tanzania) Proverb

Akantu karokubhabaza ukabhinze karagaruka. (Shubi) Kitu kinachodhamiria kukudhuru, kitakudhuru hata kama utakikwepa. (Literal Swahili Translation) Ajali haina kinga. (Figurative Swahili Translation) It is difficult to escape […]
March 6, 2008

Oct. 2006: “A rich person does not have to struggle, that is, share the problems of ordinary people.” – Shubi (Tanzania) Proverb

Umtajiri ntagira umsozi. (Shubi) Mtajiri hana mlima. (Swahili) A rich person does not have a mountain. (Literal English Translation) A rich person does not have to […]