June 1, 2009

Jun. 2009: “Go in that direction” does not mean that you go. To go means, “let’s go together!” – Sena (Mozambique) Proverb

African Proverb of the Month June 2009       “Pita uko,” si kuenda. Kwenda ndi “Tiyende kuno!” (Sena) “Vai nesta direcção” não é andar. Andar […]
March 6, 2008

Mar. 2006: “A warthog eating its fill does not delight a pig.” – Sena (Mozambique) Proverb

Kukhuta kwa njiri, nkhumba nkhabe sekera bi. (Sena) Se o javali ficar saciado, o porco nao fica satisfeito (Literal: A saciedade do javali, o porco nao […]