May 3, 2018

May 2018 A cow’s horn does not kill its calf. Nandi (Kenya) Proverb

  Mabarei kuinetab teta moitanyi. (Nandi)
Pembe ya ng'ombe haiui ndama wake. (Swahili)
La corne d’une vache ne tue pas son veau. (French)
A cow's horn does not kill its calf. (English)

Nandi (Kenya) Proverb

March 1, 2008

Oct. 2002 Proverb: ” You cannot use a wild banana leaf to shield yourself from the rains and then tear it to pieces later when the rains come to an end.” – Nandi (Kenya)

African Proverb of the Month October, 2002 Makiume sasurwet ak kebet. (Nandi) Huwezi kutumia majani ya mgomba wa kichakani kujizuzia mvua na baada ya mvua kuiisha […]