August 1, 2009

Aug. 2009: “Nobody kills an ignorant person who begs for wisdom.” – Mafa (Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger) Proverb

African Proverb for the MonthAugust 2009 Ta kda ndo n’rezla’a man a tètèkè maya azbai. (Mafa) On ne tue pas l’ignorant qui mendie la sagesse. (French) […]
March 2, 2008

May, 2003 Proverb: “The tears of the orphan run inside.” – Mafa (Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger)

Kud mbelawa a hada a hwad. (Mafa) Les larmes de l’orphelin coulent dans le ventre. (French) The tears of the orphan run inside. (English) Mafa ( […]