May 31, 2010

Jun. 2010: “Leave alone a dance you are unable to perform.” – Lega (Democratic Republic Congo) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthJune 2010 Mamina maushibana indi wamashika.  (Lega)Abandonne la danse que tu es incapable de pratiquer. (French)Achana na dansi usioweza kupiga au kucheza. […]
November 1, 2008

Nov. 2008: “It is only a male elephant that can save another one from a pit.” – Lega (Democratic Republic of the Congo – DRC) Proverb

African Proverb of the Month November 2008 Balume babili ba ngyoku I ba uimanyanaka mu’mnyinga. (Lega) Quand un éléphant male tombe dans un fossé, il n’est […]