July 1, 2010

Jul. 2010: “A well developed bush cannot lack or miss a useful tree to be felled.” – Kamba (Kenya) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthJuly 2010 Kakuthu kaneeyumba kayaa muti utemwa. (Kamba)Kichaka ambacho kimekua hakikosi mti wa kukatwa. (Swahili)­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Un buisson ne manque jamais un arbre utile à couper. […]
March 1, 2008

Oct. 2000 Proverb: ” The hyena with a cub does not eat up (consume) all the available food.” – Akamba (Kenya)

African Proverb of the Month October, 2000 Mbiti yi mwana ndiisaa ikamina. (Akamba) Fisi mwenye mtoto hali na kumaliza chakula. (Swahili) The hyena with a cub […]
February 27, 2008

Aug. 1998: “The person who has not traveled widely thinks his or her mother is the only cook (the best cook).” – Ganda (Uganda) Proverb

Atannayita: y’atenda nnyina obufumbi (=okufumba) The person who has not traveled widely thinks his or her mother is the only cook (the best cook).   Ganda […]