Report of the Meeting of the African Proverbs Working Group, Nairobi, Kenya, 24 October 2009
KUCC, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
Minutes by: Francis Njuguna
Cephas Agbemenu, Kenyatta University. 0723-307992.
Allan Babunga, Maurice Otunga High School. 0721-749795.
Kambala Fiston. 0720-102864.
Rev. Joseph Healey, Moderator. 020-4442864.
Pastor Calvin Chelo Katabarwa. 0734-829002.
Andrew Kilonzo Kimonyi, Teacher. 0723-674993.
Rev. Thomas Komakech, Apostles of Jesus General Council. 0737-437363/0773-739811.
Francis Njuguna, Acting Secretary. 0720-434819.
Mrs. Jennifer Wambugu, Kenya Institute of Education. 0722-310217.
Kamau Wango, Kenyatta University. 0722-220865.
Absent with apologies
Dr. Wangari Mwai, Kenyatta University. 0722-653745.
Dr. Kimani Njogu, Consultant. 0729-892999.
Simon Rurinjah, Radio Broadcaster. 0722-441248.
John Siyumbu, Apostles of Jesus Philosophy House. 0725-934810.
Dr. Gerald Wanjohi — Publisher, Wajibu. 020-3526652.
The meeting started at 11 a. m. and ended at 3:30 p.m. Lunch was generously provided by the lecturers at Kenyatta University.
The opening prayer was led by Pastor Calvin Chelo Katabarwa.
Mr. Kamau Wango, a lecturer at Kenyatta University, gave a short talk on the impact of proverbs and sayings in communications. He explained how proverbs are an important part of the Kenyan heritage/tradition/roots. It is important to understand the context in studying and using proverbs. We are challenged to find proverbs with universal meaning. Wango explained new efforts to teach African proverbs through using visual illustrations. He is in the process of publishing a book on Kikuyu Proverbs and hopes that it will promote the usage of African Proverbs and Sayings. He also thanked Fr. Healey for his commitment to promoting the usage of African Proverbs and Sayings especially through the website (
The meeting was also addressed by the two other guests of the day — Pastor Katabarwa and Jennifer Wambugu.
The meeting discussed the present and future projects of the African Proverbs Working Group including the publishing of booklets on African proverbs in various African languages as well as picking the proverbs and sayings of the month. The list — Plan for the “African Proverb of the Month” in 2009/2010 –was handed out.
It was agreed that the proverbs and sayings in the months ahead (in addition to the proverbs on the list handed out) will come from the languages of Ewe (Ghana), Hima (DRC), Kamba (Kenya) and Kikuyu (Kenya).
A gift of the book Akamwani: The Challenges of Bible Sharing in Small Christian Communities by Sister Rita Ishengoma, STH was handed out to participants. Sister Rita has faithfully contributed Haya (Tanzania) Proverbs to our website for many years. She is an inspiration to other African women to get involved in our projects.
The participants decided that the next meeting will be hosted by the Apostles of Jesus Generalate on Langata Road in the second half of January, 2010 at a specific date to be decided later. The participants also resolved that the issue pertaining to the financial hosting of future meetings will be discussed in the next meeting.
The meeting closed with prayers led by Jennifer Wambugu.
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