Members Present
10. Etoka Malusise – +254 714 695 659
11. Joseph Kai Kariuki – +254 700 446 884
12. Roger Akouete Adjomayi – +254 725 932 201, +254 731 580 461
13. Patricia Nderitu – +254 711 580 942
14. Atemu Ishiabwe — +254 723 129 409
15. Anastasi Oisebe – +254 705 600 979
16. Angela Riziki – +254 716 101 971
17. Hugues Ilunga — +254 717 028 973
The meeting started with a prayer by Sr. Grace Njau. The chairperson then welcomed all the members to the meeting. He introduced the agenda for the day by providing hard copies of the agenda to all members.
A guest, Hugues Ilunga, introduced himself and was requested to make a decision whether he wished to become a regular member of the APWG or just is a visitor.
Reading the minutes of the previous meeting held on Saturday, 21 May 2016
The minutes had already been circulated on the website and therefore, they were not read at the meeting. However, the chairperson provided hard copies of the previous minutes for ease of reference.
Matters arising from the previous minutes
a) The second half grants were given to the members who had completed their projects fully and met all the requirements:
b) Feedback on incomplete projects:
The following members who are currently working on new projects have requested for more time to complete their works.
Fr Joseph Healey’s 50th Anniversary
The Moderator explained that he had celebrated his Priestly Missionary Mission in Africa. Special prayers were led by Joseph Kai Kariuki in the Kikuyu language in celebrating his great achievement.
Internet User Workshop
Ricardo Benon and Elias Bushiri conducted the training. The members were taught how to access the Afriprov website resources such as polling for their favorite proverb of the month, Facebook postings, reading the minutes of meetings and how to access the Ebooks. The members confirmed that they have been using the website.
Continuity and Future of the African Proverbs Working Group (APWG)
The continuity of the APWG was deliberated. The moderator said he is going to retire in a few years’ time, and therefore the need to deliberate on the continuity and survival of the group and the projects. The Chairman observed that transition was a normal process in every culture. However, we need to find the modalities for a smooth transition and survival of the group. It was noted that, the most important issue which needs immediate attention is the financial support for the group.
The Executive Committee informed the members that they had a meeting and agreed to open a bank account with the NIC Bank at the ABC Plaza on Wanyaki Way in Westlands, Nairobi. This would facilitate the transfer of funds directly from the benefactors into the members account using online banking via Mpesa. The account will be operated by a team of the executive committee members. The account is now officially opened under the name “Maryknoll Fathers – APWG.” The first funds were deposited on 17 November, 2016. In order for the executive to be able to operate the account effectively and efficiently, the bank has arranged for a training workshop for the executive members concerned. This workshop is scheduled to take place on 23 November, 2016. Thereafter, members who qualify for their grants will be sent their money.
The members proposed that a sub-committee be formed to deliberate further, and seek possible solutions to the matter of financial sustainability and sources of resources. The following members volunteered, or were nominated to, this ad hoc committee:
Chairman: Gabriel Odhiambo
Members: Joseph Kai Kariuki
Ricardo Benon
Patricia Nderito
Cikuru Devotha
Francis Njuguna
Revisiting the APWG Guidelines for Grants
Various guidelines were revisited and explained to the members.
Submission of completed projects
The Moderator congratulated the members for successfully completing many projects within the year. He said the APWG Nairobi Chapter is the most successful in the production of proverb projects in Eastern Africa. The members submitted seven completed project booklets to the Moderator. Grants would be given for those projects after the minutes of the meeting have been posted on the and the online banking set up.
The following have submitted their final projects to the moderator.
Project Country Collector Grant
Presentation of new research proposals
As required by the new guidelines, 16 proposals were presented to the meeting. The executive committee would re-check and ensure all the members presenting them had met all the requirements before approval. They would check attendance of meetings, participation on internet, interest in other member’s projects and payment of their annual membership dues. The members would then be informed to proceed with the collection of the proverbs.
Upcoming Proverbs of the Month for 2017
The list was read to the members.
Other months of the year would be filled in at the next meeting.
Membership contributions
2016 outstanding membership fees:
The members who paid their outstanding 2016 membership fees Ksh.1,000.00 did so.
2017 Membership: advance fee payments
Members who paid their 2017 membership fees.
The members were encouraged to pledge to pay before the new project’s first half grant was released to them.
Editorial costs
As resolved during the full APWG meeting held on Saturday, 7 February 2016, the committee members who edit individual projects will be rewarded with 10% or ($50) of the total grant. This and the annual membership fees will be deducted from the grants before payment to the member. The committee will continue to edit the works by sending back their work with specific feedback and guidelines on how to correct their work to meet the required standards. However, stress was put on the need to produce high quality work. NOTE: The booklets should indicate the page numbers.
Any other business
There was no other business to be discussed.
Date of the next meeting
This will be communicated at a later date by the Executive Committee.
Lunch was provided by the host, the Assistant Moderator.
There being no other business, the meeting came to an end at 3 p.m.
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