New members
Absent with apology
1. Introduction:
The introductory prayer was given by Grace Njau in an African style. A total of 14 members were present among them two new people. Both new and old members were gifted with a Maryknoll September/ October, 2011 magazine and a Polo Shirt.
2. 2012 African Proverbs Calendar:
Members discussed the kind of pictures to appear in our next year’s calendar. Priority was given to female members to give their own choices. Jane suggested that we have a mother chicken surrounded by chicks.
Grace suggested we have a picture of the late Nobel peace laureate Wangari Maathai. Angelica recommended a mother carrying a baby could be more meaningful.
3. Future Proverbs of the Month and update reports on New Booklets:
Allan Babunga: My 100 Lingala proverbs are in draft form but unfortunately it is almost three months now since my computer broke down. Once it is ready I will need to type all the edited material before submitting it.
b. Future Proverbs of the Month:
Seth Wekesa to choose one among the 100 Maragoli proverbs about women to be posted as a Proverb of the Month. Angelica and Benon to do the same by selecting one Orma proverb about women.
4. Promoting our Website:
All members are encouraged to visit our website from time to time and thus benefit from it.
Members also should participate by voting in our Poll. Other members who have their own blog like Benon can also create a link from their blog or Facebook Page to our website in order to bring many people to benefit from our website.
5. AOB:
Next meeting to be prepared by the Kenyatta University. The date will be announced soon.
Members enjoyed lunch prepared by the Maryknoll community.
Minutes by Allan Babunga
Photographs by Cephas Agbemenu
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