Report of the Meeting of the African Proverbs Working Group, Nairobi, Kenya, 13 June 2009
Maryknoll Society House, Nairobi, Kenya

- Prof. Cephas Agbemenu, Kenyatta University
- Allan Babunga – Maurice Otunga High School
- Rev. Joseph Healey, M.M. – Moderator, African Proverbs, Sayings and Stories Website
- Prof. Sim Kilosho Kabale – Kenyatta University
- Rev. Thomas Komakech, A.J. — Apostles of Jesus General Council
- Francis Njuguna — Freelance Journalist
- John Siyumbu — Kenyatta University
- Rev. Donald Sybertz, M.M. – Shinyanga, Tanzania
- Dr. Gerald Wanjohi — Publisher, Wajibu
Absent with apologies
- Deacon Chijioke Azuawusiefe, S.J. — Hekima College
- Sister Maria Decarli, D.S.P. – Audio-Visuals, Paulines Publications Africa
- Evans Nyakundi (Acting Secretary) — Assistant Librarian at Hekima College
The meeting started at 10:30 a.m. and ended at 2:30 p.m. Lunch was generously provided by the Maryknoll Society House.
- Each member described his or her research on proverbs and stories from various African languages. Some new books, booklets, plays and lists of proverbs were displayed.
- Plans for the “African Proverb of the Month” from July to November, 2009 were discussed and finalized.
- Sim Kilosho Kabale was awarded a grant of $500 to compile a Booklet of 100 Lega Proverbs (Democratic Republic of the Congo — DRC). 10 copies (photocopied) will be distributed in the normal way. It will include the biblical parallels added by others.
- We discussed how to improve, and make more use of, the African Proverbs, Sayings and Stories Website ( including the POLL on “African Proverbs on African Animals.” The October to December, 2009 POLL will include six African Proverbs on “Peacebuilding.”
- Allan Babunga reported on his work on a Book of African Stories in French to be published in Kinshasa, DRC. The working title is Une Fois dans L’histoire en Afrique.
- We discussed how to get more young people involved in our African Proverbs Project.
- We discussed how to widen the membership in our group such as inviting UNESCO and APELA (French-speaking organization).
- We discussed and supported Rev, John Mbiti’s request for African names for God. Don Sybertz will send him additional Sukuma names.
The next meeting will be at Kenyatta University on a Saturday in October to be decided later.
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