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2017 Calendar
August 8, 2019
December 2017, Major problems have solution with the old men. Eton proverb from Cameroon, Eq- Guinea, Gabon and Sao tome & Principe.
December 2017, Major problems have solution with the old men. Eton proverb from Cameroon, Eq- Guinea, Gabon and Sao tome & Principe. situs toto
August 8, 2019
November 2017, A cow’s horn cannot kill its calf. Kalenjin (Kenya and Uganda) Proverb
November 2017, A cow’s horn cannot kill its calf. Kalenjin (Kenya and Uganda) Proverb situs toto
August 8, 2019
October 2017, A good name is better than a nice scent. Burji (Ethiopia, Kenya) Proverb
October 2017, A good name is better than a nice scent. Burji (Ethiopia, Kenya) Proverb situs toto
August 8, 2019
September 2017, The hoes of two people cultivating together in a field sometimes clash (hit) against each other. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb.
September 2017, The hoes of two people cultivating together in a field sometimes clash (hit) against each other. Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb. situs toto
August 8, 2019
August 2017, A faithful woman is a crown to her husband. Gusii (Kenya) Proverb
August 2017, A faithful woman is a crown to her husband. Gusii (Kenya) Proverb situs toto
August 8, 2019
July 2017, Tall stories destroy the family relationship. Luba–Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Proverb
July 2017, Tall stories destroy the family relationship. Luba–Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Proverb situs toto
August 8, 2019
June 2017, Brothers who get along will always defeat the enemy. Mashi (Democratic Republic of Congo — DRC) Proverb
June 2017, Brothers who get along will always defeat the enemy. Mashi (Democratic Republic of Congo — DRC) Proverb situs toto
August 8, 2019
May 2017 Your friend’s mother is your mother too. Digo (Mijikenda) Kenya Proverb
May 2017 Your friend’s mother is your mother too. Digo (Mijikenda) Kenya Proverb situs toto
August 8, 2019
April 2017, Members of the same family are open to each other and can discuss anything. Samburu (Kenya) Proverb
April 2017, Members of the same family are open to each other and can discuss anything. Samburu (Kenya) Proverb situs toto
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