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African Cultural Stories — Animal Stories
February 19, 2008
Two Roads Overcame the Hyena
Two Roads Overcame the Hyena A very hungry hyena went out on the Tanzanian plains to hunt for food. He came to a branch in the
February 19, 2008
The Two Cold Porcupines
The Two Cold Porcupines One cold night two porcupines found themselves alone out on the plains. There was no shelter or place to keep warm. They
February 19, 2008
The Community of Rats
The Community of Rats Once upon a time there was a community of rats in a certain African village. In one particular house a big and
February 19, 2008
Creation and Separation Myth of Man and the Elephant
Creation and Separation Myth of Man and the Elephant God created man and an elephant. These he put in a beautiful garden, and he walked with
February 19, 2008
Origin of Death Myth of The Chameleon and the Lizard
Origin of Death Myth of The Chameleon and the Lizard When God had finished creation he wanted to send people an important message. He called the
February 19, 2008
The Sacrifice of the White Hen
The Sacrifice of the White Hen There was a young Nigerian boy named Olu who had a pet white chicken. They became great friends and inseparable
February 19, 2008
The Lion’s Share
The Lion’s Share One day the lion, the wolf and the fox went out hunting together. They caught a wild ass, a gazelle and a hare.
February 19, 2008
How the Monkeys Saved the Fish
How the Monkeys Saved the Fish The rainy season that year had been the strongest ever and the river had broken its banks. There were floods
February 19, 2008
The Leopard and the Rabbit
The Leopard and the Rabbit Once upon a time the Leopard lived in a small house far way in the bush. After thinking for a long
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