| Omokungu omwegenu nogoseseni ase omosa cha oye. (Gusii). Mke mwema ni taji kwa mumewe. (Swahili). Une bonne femme est un diademe ou une couronne a son mari (epoux). (French). A faithful woman is a crown to her husband. (English). |
Gusii (Kenya) Proverb
| Magembe abili gatakitaga kwikumya. (Sukuma) Majembe ya watu wawili wanaofanya kazi kwa pamoja katika shamba moja wakati mwingine hayakosi kamwe kugongana. (Swahili) Les houes de deux personnes qui font le meme métier dans la même champ ne manquent pas de s’ecraser. (French) The hoes of two people cultivating together in a field sometimes clash (hit) against each other. (English)
Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb |
| Njairi utenderu ndicicagwa.(Mbeere) Huwezikuepuka kukanyanga panapo telezanjeya nyumba. (Swahili) Dans sa concession, on ne peut jamais éviter à piétiner sur un espace glissant (French) It is not possible to avoid a slippery home compound. (English)
Mbeere (Kenya) Proverb
Ssebuwufu bwa ngo, tebuyitibwaamu mbwa. (Luganda) M'mbwa hawezi kamwe kutembea katika nyayo za chui. ( Swahili) Le chien ne peut jamais pietiner sur les pas du leopard. (French) The paw prints (tracks) of a leopard are not be trodden in by a dog. (English) |
Ganda (Uganda) Proverb
Ngai arimaga na hiiu nduuhu. (Gikuyu) Mungu hulima na panga ambayo haina makali. (Swahili) Dieu cultive avec une machette moussee (French). God cultivates with a blunt machete (large cleaver-like knife). (English) |
Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb
| Waleba mengi komenzi genyanza. (Longo). Maji ya bahari ni kwa ajili ya kutazama. (Swahili). L’eau de la mer, c’est pour regarder. (French). The water of the sea is only to be contemplated.(English).
Longo (Tanzania) Proverb
| Ukwitonda k'umwigeme gushemeza abavyeyi. Kumuhero kubaha ibirori. (Rundi) Utulivu wa msichana huleta furaha Kwa wazazi na mwishowe huleta sherehe. (Swahili) La patience d'une jeune fille, procure la joie à ses parents, et en fin la celebration. (French) The patience of a young girl brings joy to the parents; at the end it brings celebration. (English) |
| Giribu pii ma i kulu. (Acholi) |
Acholi (Uganda, South Sudan) Proverb
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