Ebitsibu byaghu uka birya neka yaghu. (Nande) Ukivuna shida unaila na jamii yako. (Swahili) Quand on recolte la peine, on la consomme avec sa famille. (French) When you reap problems, you share with your family. (English) |
Nande (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC, Uganda)Proverb
Goobi inam dele mogtils ma babaato. (Rendille) Jamii ambayo ina mtoto mwanaume haiwezi poteza deni zao kutoka kwa majirani. (Swahili) La famille qui a un fils ne perdra pas ses dettes auprès du voisin. (French) A family that has a son will never lose the debts owed to them. (English) |
Rendille (Kenya) Proverb
Kusema (Kutema) mbago. (Sukuma) Kuweka alama kwenye miti. (Swahili) Marquer des marques sur l'arbre. (French) To make marks on the trees. (English) |
Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb/Story