October 19, 2012

October 2012, “Work done in the right way rewards both the employer and the employee” Borana, (Kenya) Proverb

October, 2012

Ilmenqafeland’ufte, ad’aleindibdyufileind’ibdu. (Borana)

Mototo tayari kuzaliwa anapokuja kwa njia inayo faa, hu saidia mamaye na yeye binafsi. (Swahili)

Un travail bienfait, récompensera l’employeur et son employé. (French)

Work done in the right way rewards both the employer and the employee. (English)

                                                                                                    Borana (Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea and Somalia) Proverb

September 3, 2012

September, 2012 “A log in the river will never be a crocodile.” Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb

Mũgogo wĩ rũũĩ ndũrĩ hĩndĩ ũgatwĩka kĩng’ang’i. (Gikuyu)
Gogo mtoni halitageuka kuwa mamba. (Swahili)
Un rondin dans l’eau ne deviendra jamais un crocodile.(French)

Gikuyu (Kenya) Proverb
June 29, 2012

July, 2012 Water follows the slope -Shubi (Tanzania) Proverb .

July, 2012 African Proverb of the Month

Amazi gakulikila umgolomoko. (Shubi).
Maji hufuata mtelemko.(Swahili).
L’eau suit la descente. (Français).
Water follows the slope. (English).

Shubi (Tanzania) Proverb
June 17, 2012

June 2012 If the day of harvesting or eating yams is the same as the day of planting yams, even goats will not be allowed to eat the yam peels – Ewe (Ghana,Benin,Nigeria and Togo) Proverb

African Proverb of the Month

 June 2012


Nenye etedugbe enyetefagbe la anye gbowoha madu tetsro o. (Ewe)

 Ikiwa siku yakuvuna magimbi ingekua kama siku ya ku panda, basi hata mbuzi wasinge ruhusiwakula maganda. (Swahili)

Si le jour de récolte d’ignames serait  comme le jour de sasemence, même les chèvres  ne séraient pasautorisées à manger ses pelures. (French)

If the day of harvesting or eating yams is the same as the day of planting yams, even goats will not be allowed to eat the yam peels. (English)

 Ewe (Ghana,Benin,Nigeria and Togo)

May 1, 2012

May 2012: “Know the price of a Kwanga while dad and mom are still alive.” – Kongo (Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo-DRC and the Republic of the Congo) Proverb

African Proverb of The Month May, 2012     Tata ye mama bakinu zinga, zaya ntalu ya kwanga. (Kongo) Fahamu bei ya kwanga wakati baba na […]
April 2, 2012

Apr. 2012: “When the crocodile jumps around he ends up by receiving the spear. Subi (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of The Month April 2012 Omsagasaga gwemamba elugaha ebugana emzela. (Subi). Mamba akitapatapa majini mwisho hukutana na mkuki. (Swahili). When the crocodile jumps around […]
March 2, 2012

Mar. 2012: “Look up, Tungu my child.” ~ Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthMarch 2012 Ng’wigulya, Tungu ngwana wane. (Sukuma)Mtoto wangu Tungu, juu. (Swahili)Regarde plus haut Tungu mon enfant (French)Look up, Tungu my child. (English) […]
February 2, 2012
A mother cuddling her young daughter in distress

Feb. 2012: “If a girl sits badly, it is up to her mother to cover her thighs.” – Orma (Kenya) Proverb

African Proverb of The MonthFebruary, 2012 Intal tessum hamtu, hadit kof wot qaba. (Orma)Iwapo msichana akae uchi, ni mamaye ndiye humfunika uchi ya paja lake. (Swahili)Quand […]
December 29, 2011

Jan. 2012: “Big fish are caught with big fish hooks” – Kerewe (Tanzania) Proverb

African Proverb of The Month January 2012 Emphiempango ekukwatwa nilobho ihango. (Kerewe). Samaki mkubwa hukamatwa na ndoano kubwa. (Swahili).Les gros poissons s’attrapent à l’aide de gros […]