August 1, 2014

August 2014 Two calabashes floating in a basin of water will touch each other, but not damage each other. Ewe (Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria) Proverb

  Etre ve no tsi dzi megbea nui ka wonoe wo o. (Ewe )
Vibuyu viwili juu ya maji lazima zitaguzana. (Swahili)
Deux calebasses sur l’eau se toucheront de toutes les façons. (French)
Two calabashes floating in a basin of water will touch each other, but not damage each other. (English)

Ewe (Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria) Proverb

July 1, 2014

Minutes of the Meeting of the African Proverbs Working Group, Saturday, 26 April, 2014

 AFRICAN PROVERBS WORKING GROUP MEETING Date: Saturday, 26 April, 2014 Venue: Maryknoll Society House, Nairobi, Kenya Time: 10:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.   Members Present  1. […]
June 25, 2014

July, 2014 A mother is the cornerstone of the family. Somali (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia) Proverb

  Guri ann hooyo lahayni aaa, lama degaan. (Somali)
Mama ni nguzo ya familia. (Swahili)
Une mère est un noyau de la famille. (French)
A mother is the cornerstone of the family. (English)

Somali (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia) Proverb

June 3, 2014

June, 2014 The house that is built well (like a fixed faith) doesn’t move any longer. Lwalu (Democratic Republic of the Congo – DRC) Proverb

Nzubu iku kuimatenke kuende vu.  (Lwalu)
Nyumbani mara moja kujengwa wanapaswa kuwa na harakati. (Swahili)
La maison une foi fixée ne se déplace plus. (French)
The house that is built well (like a fixed faith) doesn’t move any longer. (English).

Lwalu (Democratic Republic of the Congo – DRC) Proverb

May 13, 2014

December 2014 It takes a whole village to raise a child. Igbo and Yoruba (Nigeria) Proverb

It takes a whole village to raise a child. Igbo and Yoruba (Nigeria) Proverb   “Togetherness in the Village” Painting by: Charles Ndege   Sunday Monday […]
May 13, 2014

November 2014 Alive, we live in the same house or under the same roof. Dead, we rest in the same tomb. (English) Malagasy (Madagascar)

Velona iray trano, maty iray fasana. (Malagasy) Vivant, nous habitons sous le même toît. Mort, nous nous reposons dans le même tombeau. (French) Tukiwa hai twaishi […]
May 13, 2014

October 2014 The person who has not travelled widely thinks his or her mother is the only cook (the best cook). Ganda (Uganda)

Atannayita: y’atenda nnyina obufumbi (=okufumba) (Ganda) The person who has not travelled widely thinks his or her mother is the only cook (the best cook). Ganda […]
May 13, 2014

September 2014 Look up, Tungu my child. (English) Sukuma (Tanzania) Proverb

Ng’wigulya, Tungu ngwana wane. (Sukuma) Mtoto wangu Tungu, juu. (Swahili) Regarde plus haut Tungu mon enfant (French) Look up, Tungu my child. (English)   Sukuma (Tanzania) […]
May 13, 2014

August 2014 Like ants, eat little and carry the rest back to your home. (English) Bembe (Democratic Republic of the Congo – DRC, Tanzania) Proverb

  Wabiute, walya watundila uenyu. (Bembe) Kama siafu, kula sehemu ndogo na peleka nyingine nyumbani. (Swahili) Comme les fourmis, mange peu et amène le reste à […]