April, 2001 issue of “Evangelical Missions Quarterly” (EMQ)
We decided to explore what we could find relating to Africa and missions in this installment of “Missions on the Web.” As usual, there are far more sites than space will allow us to describe. We’ll take you on a guided tour of those we find to be the most important, and offer you the rest via our “Mission and Ministry in Africa Links” page (
www.mislinks.org/contin/africa.htm)…At the top of the MisLinks Africa page we provide links to two of the more original and interesting resources available on the Web. Africa Proverbs and Stories (www.afriprov.org) is a wonderful site offering numerous proverbs that can be accessed by country (www.afriprov.org/maps/africa.htm), month (www.afriprov.org/resources/proverbs.htm) or day (www.afriprov.org/resources/dailyproverbs.htm).
The country listings include each proverb in its original language with an English translation and a hyperlinked explanation. The site also gives access to African stories (www.afriprov.org/resources/stories.htm), an annotated bibliography (www.afriprov.org/resources/bibliogr.htm) and book reviews (www.afriprov.org/resources/bkreview.htm) of related resources. The site has been designed and maintained by interested Catholic missionaries in cooperation with the help of Urban Ministries Support Group (UMSG) based in Nairobi, Kenya. It is updated on a regular basis and worth going back to regularly…
NOTE: MisLinks (http://www.mislinks.org/contin/africa.htm) is a web-based Missions Directory that has been listed on “Links to Other Useful Sites” on our African Proverbs, Sayings and Stories Website for a long time. It has many excellent resources on Africa.
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