Greetings from Nairobi, Kenya. I hope many of you have become Fans of the “Facebook Page” on our website. The growth is remarkable. We now have 2,765 Fans and a lively daily exchange of proverbs from all over Africa. Here are some of the countries from which proverbs have been posted this week: DRC, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. One request, please. When you post a proverb or comment please indicate the language of the proverb and the country from which it originated. Concerning the use of Facebook we are pleased that 30 people have already said that they LIKE the “March 2010 African Proverb of The Month — Hema (DRC)” and four people have sent COMMENTS.
Please vote in the POLL on My favourite proverb of the month is… on the Front Page (Home Page) of our website. Voting frequency is unlimited. Allow 24 hours between votes.
Joseph G. Healey — Moderator
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