As economic conditions deteriorated in Tanzania throughout the 1970s, the roads
became worse and approached being unbearable. Travel was a torturous adventure
and avoided whenever possible. Ill-mannered drivers made the situation even
worse. As luck would have it, a forthright Father Lionel Bouffard was driving
to Shinyanga town one day when two trucks in a row forced him off into the
ditch. Both drivers barreled towards him smack in the middle of the road
refusing to move over to their side. Lionel was steaming mad so he resolved to
himself that the next driver was going to have to move over for him and not vice
versa. Shortly afterwards, a vehicle appeared on the horizon heading towards
Lionel. Sure enough, it was cruising right down the middle of the road. Lionel
held his ground and continued heading straight down the center of the road, as
well. Holding on to the steering wheel with nerves of pure steel, Lionel was
rewarded at the last moment when the approaching vehicle swerved off the road
into the ditch leaving Lionel unscratched. He felt pretty good about himself
until he received a letter shortly thereafter: "Dear Fr. Bouffard, Why did you
try to kill me with your car a few days ago? Signed, Bishop McGurkin."
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