you tell me
it is risky to be on the frontline
agitating for change
to be in the eye of the storm
don’t i value my lifetell me
whose son or daughter
whose brother or sister
whose father or mother
whose in-law
whose relative
whose friend
whose tribesman or tribeswoman
shall we send forward
or are we to send nobody forwardyou say
i could be killed in cold blood
for demanding the people be free
for wishing revival and life for our
country and people
i want you to know
i love life for all my countrymen
and women
abundant life for all humanity
i worship life
because to worship life is to
worship Godlet me tell you i swore:
i give myself to you
take me my people
that is all i can give
do with me as you wish
let me be an instrument of your
awakening your becoming
i wish you understand
i am only alive in the struggle for
otherwise i am dead we are dead
if we gallantly approach the eye of
the storm
if we dare beyond fear
if we see death as closing of the
eyes as we pass the baton
we cross yonder to freedom
come forward come to the front
come into the eye of the stormshould i fall
remember me
should you fall
we shall remember you
we shall celebrate your life
you shall inspire us
as we build a country in freedom
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