Fathers Frank Flynn and Dick Quinn decided to travel on a short cut track
through the northern part of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. The track
deteriorated until it disappeared. The two Maryknollers drove on by guesswork,
following the sun. The six-hour short cut lengthened into three days. They
had no choice but to camp out in the park. They used up their extra water and
petrol and ate zebra meat stolen from a lion kill. They both agreed that never
did ugali and poached meat taste so sweet! During the night they were
surrounded by vicious hyenas. They began wondering: "Is this the end? Are we
going to die here in the middle of Tanzania’s most famous game park?"
Quinn (about whom many other stories could be told) decided to make a "General
Confession" (part of what we now call the Sacrament of Reconciliation) to
prepare for the worst. After finishing he expected Frank to offer his own
"General Confession." Frank hesitated. He said that right across the next
ridge was the town of Mugumu so there was nothing to worry about.
Oh, yes, they made
it out of the park and the versions of their story are too numerous to tell.
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