St. Augustine was born
in Numidia, North Africa in 354 A.D. Born of a Christian mother and a pagan
father, he sought to appease his mind about God by following false doctrines
which were ‘on fashion’ at the time such as Manichaeism. According to this
doctrine good and evil are equal forces in human beings so we are not
responsible for sin. He soon became ill because of his ‘natural behavior’
without moral principles and attitudes. He says, “I became a problem to
God’s purpose was
still to be fulfilled in him. One day while he was randomly reading the
Letters of St. Paul, he came across the words: “Let us conduct ourselves
properly as in the day, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and
licentiousness, not in rivalry and jealousy” (Romans 13:13).
At that moment, St
Augustine says he experienced God’s call and love for him. He replied with a
resounding “Yes”, being baptized on the Easter night of 387 AD. In his journey
from love of self to love of God he said: “Our hearts are restless till they
rest in you.” Augustine was later ordained a priest and the Bishop of Hippo.
He died a poor man on 28 August 430 AD. His teachings still live on.
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