In Boranaland, Ethiopia you encounter the freshness of a
complete new and different culture. It is such an experience, the gift to meet
people who are very different not only in their way of life or environment, but
also in their basic values and beliefs, their meanings of life. People who have
never worn a "Christian coat", who have not at all or hardly heard of "my/our
God", but who mention His name more than we do, every minute of the day, and
this for many centuries! This great mystery of God, God’s seed in them, in us,
before we have been here on their soil! It pushes me back to the creation story.
Our common ground! This inborn searching for the bridge to God, for the face of
God, the created longing for Him, mentioning Him and calling on Him. This made
me search for and go back more to the person of Jesus, and His teaching and His
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