I am working at the central prison in Kigali, Rwanda
as a nurse. There are over 10,000 inmates. I receive so much more than I give
there. I have good relationships with my coworkers who the Ministry of Health
has hired or who are prisoners themselves. Each one gives his or her whole heart
to the job. When there is a question about a diagnosis or treatment we consult
the doctors who are also prisoners.
As I only go three times a week, the inmates find that it
is not enough. One day I asked them why they wanted me to come everyday. One of
them answered, "Just be here with us." It made me think about Little Sister
Magdeleine saying, "To be with them" and Brother Charles de Foucauld saying, "Be
a brother to each one, a sister to each one." I am convinced that this message
is very appropriate for today’s world and all the more for today’s Rwanda.
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